Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Extraordinary Ordinary - MIA Shadows II, Doha...

A few additional photos taken of the shadows formed by the artifacts displayed at the Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) in Doha...

The photos were taken with an iPhone 4... 

For a set of earlier images of shadows at the MIA click here... 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Extraordinary Ordinary - Cool Doha...

No need for AC, and we're sleeping with the windows open for the first time this Fall...
The Qatari winter is a bit like the Finnish summer... 

Agreeable indeed... 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Small Bizarres No. 70 - Toilet UI, Tokyo...

I particularly like the right hand side button titled 'Flushing Sound' which, as it suggests, makes an extended 'flushing sound' to, assumedly, blank out any other awkward auditory emissions... Conveniently (see buttons below),  the volume level of such flushing sounds can also be controlled... 

To view a comparable panel in Korea click here