Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Extraordinary Ordinary - Road Traffic Sign, Lithuania...

A traffic sign in Lithuania. The same figure was used in green pedestrian traffic lights. 

The figure reminded Maysaa of the band & music videos included below... 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Small Bizarres No. 109 - 'Frozen Shadow' Installation, Brooklyn...

The relief pattern of the adjacent tree. Also featuring Sasha Hasselmayer in bright orange sneakers...

Came across an interesting pavement installation/ relief whilst walking in Reed Hook, Brooklyn. Here the shadow of an adjacent tree has been cast as a relief into the pavement, freezing a moment in time in the trees as well as the neighborhood's development. As both the tree and neighborhood develops the contrast between what was and then is will gradually increase... Reminisce galore... 

Good times... 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Small Bizarres No. 108 - Tomi's Feet...

Tomi's foot, Doha...

It all started by me taking some mistaken shots of my feet, a random act that gradually evolved into a somewhat 'quasi-intentional' series of pictures, some which are included in this blog submission...

Tomi's foot, Doha...

Tomi's foot, Doha...

Tomi's feet, Doha...

Tomi's feet, Doha...

Tomi's feet, Shanghai...

Tomi's feet, Beijing...

Tomi's feet, Guggenheim Museum, NYC...

Tomi's foot, Airplane...

Tomi's foot, Miami...

Tomi's feet, Dubai (Design Days Dubai)...

Tomi's feet, Grankulla, Finland...

The Extraordinary Ordinary - Displays at a Brooklyn Flea Market, NY...