Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Small Bizarres No. 8 - Screen Within Screen Within Screen Within...


Ghadah Al-Kandari and I have been conducting a small exchange of, call them, sequential computer screen shots sent between Oman and Kuwait. It all started with Ghadah sending me a photo of her Mac's screen with the Chirps image (from a posts last week) as a backdrop. This promted me to use her image as a backdrop on my computer, which I photographed and sent to her, which in turn she used as a backdrop on her computer, and on it continued... Eventually, as can be seen in the image above, there's not much left to be seen of the original screen backdrop... We probably could have continued ad infinitum, but, as we both claim to be individuals who occasionally have more constructive things to do beyond such quasi-surrealist parlor games, I thought it wise to conclude it here (for now)...

The original image sent by Ghadah...


The PrettyGreenBullet Store said...

i'm still quite confused by all this...


Thomas Modeen said...

I think it makes perfect sense - in a kinda Michel Gondry kind of way...