Monday, December 5, 2011

Small Bizarres No. 35 - Lawn Carpet at EC, Doha...

This topic has already been referred to an covered in related posts (see links here & here), but, as it is, I still find this a quite remarkable Small Bizarre. Wether it is classified as landscaping, pseudo-botany, urbanism (as it covers quite substantial areas within EC), or even furniture (carpeting) can be left to the opinion of the beholder, but there's something strangely seductive about this quasi-real lawn, that climbs, transcends, crosses and covers a number of urban paraphernalia within the confines of our campus... 

Perhaps it should be red, neon yellow, or some other bright or distinct color or pattern. Maybe it should be acknowledging its inherent 'fakeness', and be celebrating such properties without losing any of its tactile or functional intentions... 

Small Bizarre indeed... 

A pink rendition (acknowledging its ersatz'ness) of the pseudo lawn...

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