Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Initial Submission - Breaking the Ice...

This is the first entry of the Kuwait School blog, which was set-up as a medium through which to advance, as well as to develop a related discourse, to the Kuwait School Manifesto initially presented at Kuwait's inaugural Pecha Kucha Night, that took place in March, 2009 at the Dar Al Athar Al-Islamyyia. It is a sister-site to the smArchitecture blog, however whereas the smArchitecture blog relates only to pursuits and activities related to their particular (and often somewhat idiosyncratic) endeavours, the Kuwait School blog aims to debate and discuss, and create a polemic, around issues on a more general level related to Kuwait and its neighbours. Please feel free to suggest and submit material as well as comments - the more related issues and concerns are debated, and the more general awareness is brought to the attention of a larger scope of interested individuals, the more likely it becomes that some positive changes might actually come about.
The Kuwait School Manifesto, which can be read through the link above as well as in the following blog entry, aims to be a starting point for such a discourse...

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