Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kuwaiti Bakalas & Shop Fronts...

A brief addition to the 'Commercial Individuality' post from a few weeks back, which showed examples of individualistic and unique stores found abroad. This entry shows some similar, more individual examples of such stores found in Kuwait, that includes the local version of the corner-store, the bakala, which unfortunately seem to be rapidly disappearing form our neighbourhood streetscapes.

These photos are a brief pictorial ode to ordinary-individuality, a quality closer to something that's recognizable and comforting rather than any notion of blandness. They're examples of generic urban elements, renditions of things that can be found in most cities around the world - the corner-shop, coffee-shop, barber-shop, etc. - but each which also contain something unique and reflective of their particular locale (the products they sell, their size, their smell, their materials, their placement along a street, etc.)...

All of the included photos were taken in Salmiya, Kuwait...

Three images above - examples of bakalas...

A women's shoe store...

A wig & hair product store...

A pet (fish) store...

A Chinese restaurant & take-away...

A local 'saloon', or barber-shop...

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