Monday, October 5, 2009

Roof Top Paraphernalia...

Yesterday we moved from a flat with very limited views (predominantly blank walls of the opposing buildings) to a top floor apartment with, in my view, splendid panoramic views. On first impression, whilst watching over the neighbouring buildings, it's amazing the amount of stuff people have, store, leave, on their roof tops. The various types of AC units, water tanks, satellite discs, TV-antennas, laundry racks, defunct pigeons, servants quarters, etc. form a micro urbanism (a borrowed, and here somewhat misconstrued, term by Marrikka Trotter) and free-running topography in its own right. Highlights in this paraphernalia-landscape are the 'Eiffel Tower' antenna stands which seemed to have been a rage a few decades back and can still be found on many a roof top, particularly on older houses.

Water tanks and antennas...

Often the roof tops act as the private realm of the domestic labour force...

A view of the Eiffel Tower...

Three amigos...

Roofed water-tank...

Top view of a tent, palm and vine-covered (blooming) pergola...

A recently completed building near by...

Top and below - More antennas and discs...

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