Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Extraordinary Ordinary - Straycats...

Paw marks on a car window...

This is the first post from a series of future submissions dealing and exploring various, seemingly mundane and everyday features and occurrences found in Kuwait which, nevertheless, retain an inherent thrill, and enriching and unique quality, that's very specific to Kuwait. This inaugural post includes images of urban stray-cats, which seem to permeate most commercial as well as residential areas in Kuwait. In comparison to stray-cats elsewhere, the felines here seem surprisingly well-kept, well fed, and well behaved, with shiny manes and they have a decidedly relaxed, laissez-faire, attitude to their bipedal compatriots with whom they share the urban vernacular...


Summer said...


nice blog;)

Thomas Modeen said...

Thanks Summer.

They are fun, aren't they...

The Kuwaiti rendition of street buskers...